ggsession="" #!/bin/bash #Global Variables version="1.3 \"GGVPS Troubleautomagic\"" G="\e[30;48;5;82m" CYAN="$(tput setaf 6)" M="$(tput setaf 5)" B="\e[48;5;196m" CLEAR="\033[0m" NC=$(tput sgr0) if [[ -f mrun ]]; then alias ggexit="kill -1 $$" rm -rf mrun else alias ggexit="kill -1 $ggsession" fi PATH=$PATH:/scripts/ #Setting Hostname Variables if [[ -f /usr/bin/hostname ]];then HOSTNAMEBIN=/usr/bin/hostname elif [[ -f /bin/hostname ]];then HOSTNAMEBIN=/bin/hostname else HOSTNAMEBIN=hostname fi #Set Variables for node/container vzCTID=`awk '{print $1}' /proc/vz/veinfo` #vzNODE=`traceroute -T -N1 -m1 -q1 -w0|grep -v traceroute|head -n1|tail -n1|awk '{print $2}'| awk -F'.' '{print $1}'` OS=$(rpm -E %{rhel}) #PS1 Fix for Dual Bash PS1="[\u@\h \W]\$ " #Display/CTA Functions function good() { GREEN='\033[0;32m' echo -e "${GREEN}\xE2\x9C\x94 $1${NC} " } function good2() { echo "$G $1 $CLEAR" } function bad() { RED='\033[0;31m' echo -e "${RED}X $1${NC}" } function bad2() { echo "$B $1 $CLEAR" } function SOUT(){ printf "[$1]\n" printf "$2\n" } #Script Functions alias sushell='whmapi1 modifyacct user=$(stat -c %U .) HASSHELL=1 && su $(stat -c %U .)' alias summary='wget -O summary.php;php summary.php' alias ll='ls -lAh --color' alias ls='ls --color' alias fixlicense='/usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt' alias exit='echo "You must use ggexit to close this session."' alias logout='echo "You must use ggexit to close this session."' alias install-softaculous='curl | bash' alias exim-security="cat /etc/exim.conf | grep -E 'openssl_options|tls_require_ciphers'" function enable-root(){ sed -i s/"PasswordAuthentication no"/"PasswordAuthentication yes"/g /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i s/"PermitRootLogin without-password"/"PermitRootLogin yes"/g /etc/ssh/sshd_config service sshd restart echo "Root access has been enabled." } function disable-root(){ sed -i s/"PasswordAuthentication yes"/"PasswordAuthentication no"/g /etc/ssh/sshd_config sed -i s/"PermitRootLogin yes"/"PermitRootLogin without-password"/g /etc/ssh/sshd_config service sshd restart echo "Root access has been disabled." } function finddiskspace() { if [ "$(df -h | awk 'FNR == 2 {print $5}' | sed 's/%$//')" -gt "25" ]; then echo "" echo -n "Warning! Disk space usage is higher than 25%!" echo "" echo "" df -h | awk '$NF=="/"{printf "Disk Usage: %d/%dGB (%s)\n", $3,$2,$5}' echo "" echo "" echo -n "Searching for backups or files larger than 250M on $(hostname -f): " echo "" echo "" echo -n "Backups: " echo "" echo "" du -shc /backup/// echo "" echo "" echo -n "File Usage: " echo "" echo "" du -shc $(find /home/ -size +250M -print 2>/dev/null) | grep total echo "" echo "" echo "Total Usage (Files + Backup): " && echo "" && du -shc $(find /home/ /backup -size +250M -print 2>/dev/null) echo "" echo "" else echo "" echo "" echo -n "Disk space check is less than 25%" echo "" echo "" df -h | awk '$NF=="/"{printf "Disk Usage: %d/%dGB (%s)\n", $3,$2,$5}' echo "" echo "" fi } function pass-security(){ username=$(awk -F'@' '{print $1}' <<< $1) domain=$(awk -F'@' '{print $2}' <<< $1) cPuser=$(/scripts/whoowns $domain) enctype="{SHA512-CRYPT}" hash=$(cat /home/$cPuser/etc/$domain/shadow | grep $username | awk -F':' '{print $2}') encpass="{SHA512-CRYPT}$hash" doveadm pw -t $encpass -p $2 } function listfunctions() { echo -e "${CYAN}apache-stats ${NC}-- Provides a comprehensive listing of all current Apache Workers across all domains hosted on the VPS. Useful for troubleshooting limits with MaxRequestWorkers as well as identifying DDoS attack targets." echo -e "${CYAN}zone ${NC}-- Displays all zone entries for given domain, usage: zone domain.tld" echo -e "${CYAN}blocks ${NC}-- Displays all blocks in lfd.log for today's date." echo -e "${CYAN}bots ${NC}-- This function performs a search across all of the domlogs for entries marked for the current date related to bot activity and outputs information useful to determining if perhaps a robots.txt is needed." echo -e "${CYAN}cfallow ${NC}-- Automatically downloads and adds all of CloudFlare's IPv4 Addresses into CSF." echo -e "${CYAN}docroot ${NC}-- Usage: docroot domain.tld, provides document root" echo -e "${CYAN}ddos ${NC}-- DDoS log analyzer, usage: ddog /home/user/accesslogs/log_file" echo -e "$(bad2 "enable-root -- CAUTION: This will enable root access over SSH with password authentication. Advise clients of the pros/cons of this feature before enabling.")" echo -e "${CYAN}errors ${NC}-- This is an easy to use tool that provides all error output from error_log files for the current day run in public_html for best effectiveness." echo -e "${CYAN}exim-security ${NC}-- Provides exim security protocols allowed and cipher suite." echo -e "${CYAN}hack ${NC}-- Searches the domlogs for signs of brute force via xmlrpc.php, wp-login.php, and admin-ajax.php" echo -e "${CYAN}install-softaculous ${NC}-- Auto-launches Will C.'s Softaculous installation script." echo -e "${CYAN}findbigdirs ${NC}-- Reports any big directories within /home/*/public_html and /home/*/mail/" echo -e "${CYAN}fixlicense ${NC}-- Fixes issues with cpanel licensces" echo -e "${CYAN}ggnull ${NC}-- Usage: ggnull IP_Address, null routes IP Address provided." echo -e "${CYAN}ggpaste ${NC}-- Provides a URL of the output data, used either in | or >" echo -e "$(good2 "ggexit -- Closes the session properly as the utility creates a dual bash session environment.")" echo -e "${CYAN}lsdomains ${NC}-- Lists all domain names hosted on the VPS." echo -e "${CYAN}lsforwards ${NC}-- Lists all mail forwarders on the VPS" echo -e "${CYAN}phpusers ${NC}-- Provides information regarding each cPanel user and which PHP version they are configured to use." echo -e "${CYAN}robotstxt ${NC}-- Searches throughout all the user public_html for robots.txt and reports directives." echo -e "$(bad2 "sec-disable -- CAUTION: This disables Security Questions and MUST be re-enabled once you complete your work.")" echo -e "${CYAN}sec-enable ${NC}-- CAUTION: Do not enable this unless the client had it enabled previously and you disabled to service the server." echo -e "${CYAN}summary ${NC}-- This run's the GG Summary Script for quoting server migrations." echo -e "${CYAN}wpfunctions ${NC}-- This provides a comprehensive list of functions pertaining to WordPress." } function spamcheck(){ # Email Report #By Robert J echo "" echo -n "==================EMAIL REPORT=====================" echo "" echo "" echo -n "===========$(date)============" echo "" echo "" echo -n "Total emails in exim queue: " && exim -bpc echo "" echo -n "Total frozen emails in exim queue: " && exiqgrep -iz | wc -l echo "" exim -bp | exiqsumm | egrep -v "\-\-|Volume|^$" | sort -bg | awk '{print "Volume: " $1 " \t Domain: " $5}' echo "" echo "" if [ -d /usr/local/cpanel ];then echo "Checking for relay entries within LFD log files." echo "" echo "$(grep -i relay /var/log/lfd.log)" echo "" echo "Checking for high volume dovecot logins for potential compromised accounts." echo "" echo "$(grep -Po '(?<=dovecot_(plain|login):)\S*' /var/log/exim_mainlog | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail)" echo "" echo "" echo "" eximstats /var/log/exim_mainlog | head -11 && eximstats /var/log/exim_mainlog | grep -A 5 rejection | sed '/sending/d' echo "" echo "" echo -n "Blacklist Check URL: " && echo -n "$(hostname -i)" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo -n "=====EXIM LOG SAMPLES=====" echo "" echo "" tail -25 /var/log/exim_mainlog echo "" echo "" else echo "Checking for relay entries within LFD log files." echo "" echo "$(grep -i relay /var/log/lfd.log)" echo "" echo "Checking for high volume dovecot logins for potential compromised accounts." echo "" echo "$(grep -Po '(?<=dovecot_(plain|login):)\S*' /var/log/exim/main_log | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail)" echo "" echo "" eximstats /var/log/exim/main_log | head -11 && eximstats /var/log/exim/main_log | grep -A 5 rejection | sed '/sending/d' echo "" echo "" echo -n "Blacklist Check URL: " && echo -n "$(hostname -i)" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo -n "=====EXIM LOG SAMPLES=====" echo "" echo "" tail -25 /var/log/exim/main_log echo "" echo "" fi } function dspace() { python2 << END import os import subprocess import shlex import sys #paths to check bpath = '/backup/' hpath = '/home/' plist = list() max = 200 def run(cmd): proc=subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd),stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out,err=proc.communicate() return str(out) def gsize(num): if int(num) > 1024: gbsize = num / float(1024) if str(gbsize).count('.') >= 1: gb = str(gbsize).split(".") size = gb[0] + "." + gb[1][:2] + "G" else: size = str(num) + "M" return size def filter(input): fsize,fname = input.split("\t") if fsize >= 1024: msize = int(fsize) / 1024 if msize >= max: fname = fname.lstrip() fname = fname.rstrip() if fname.count('/') >=4: hsize = gsize(msize) print hsize + " " + fname if fname.count('/') <= 3: plist.append(fname) def list_files(startpath): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(startpath): level = root.replace(startpath, '').count(os.sep) indent = ' ' * 4 * (level) tprint = '{}{}/'.format(indent, os.path.basename(root)) if tprint != '/': if tprint != 'virtfs/': if os.path.isdir(startpath + tprint): filter(run('du -s ' + startpath + tprint)) subindent = ' ' * 4 * (level + 1) def chkdir(dir): if os.listdir(dir): #print 'Output from ' + dir list_files(dir) else: print dir + ' is empty' def subdir(): for p in plist: chkdir(p) def bigf(): print "Listing of files over " + str(max) + "MB" for p in plist: #print p g = run ('find ' + p + ' -type f -size +' + str(max) + '000k -exec ls -lh {} \;') #print g gsplit = g.split('\n') #print str(len(gsplit)) dl = len(gsplit) d = 1 for r in gsplit: if d < dl: rsplit = r.split(' ') if len(rsplit) > 8: c = 0 for i in rsplit: if c == 4: lt = i if c >= 7: lt = lt + " " + i c += 1 print lt else: print rsplit[4] + " " + rsplit[7] d += 1 print "Looking for directories over " + str(max) + "MB" print "Checking for large directories within " + bpath + " " + hpath chkdir(bpath) chkdir(hpath) subdir() print "" bigf() END } function zone(){ awk '$1 ~ /[^;]/' /var/named/$@.db } function checkssl(){ certificate=$(echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername $1 -connect $1:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text | grep -E 'Issuer|Not After|DNS') echo "Domains: $(echo "$certificate" | awk -F'DNS:' '{print $2 $3 $4}' | grep '*')" echo "Issuer: $(echo "$certificate" | awk -F', O=' '{print $2}' | awk -F', CN' '{print $1}')" echo "Expires: $(echo "$certificate" | awk -F'Not After : ' '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | grep 'GMT')" } function wpfunctions(){ curl -s | tail -n +2 | head -n -2 echo -e "${M}wpaudit ${NC}-- Provides an audit of a WP install, ran as root within the installation directory includes siteurl, version, and summary of plugin and theme based on number of installed, updates pending, and inactive." echo -e "${M}wpthemelist ${NC}-- Provides standard output of wp-cli wp theme list, but as root without security risks." echo -e "${M}wpplugininfo ${NC}-- Provides a brief description of a given plugin, must use the name as provided via wp-cli or" echo -e "${M}wppluginlist ${NC}-- Provides standard output of wp-cli wp plugin list, but as root without security risks." echo -e "${M}wpsecurity ${NC}-- Provides a list of any/all installations detected of WordPress installs containing WordFence and WP-Cerber." } #WP Plugin info function wpplugininfo(){ content=$(curl -s$1/) length=$(echo "$content" | wc -l) begin=$(echo "$content" | grep -n '' -m 1 | cut -f1 -d:) name=$(echo "$string" | head -n $end | grep name | awk -F': "' '{print $2}' | awk -F'",' '{print $1}') description=$(echo "$string" | head -n $end | grep description | awk -F': "' '{print $2}' | awk -F'",' '{print $1}') version=$(echo "$string" | head -n $end | grep softwareVersion | awk -F': "' '{print $2}' | awk -F'",' '{print $1}') modified=$(echo "$string" | head -n $end | grep dateModified | awk -F': "' '{print $2}' | awk -F'",' '{print $1}') echo $name | sed s/''//g echo $description echo "Version: $version" echo "Last updated: $(date -d"$modified" +%B" "%d", "%Y)" } #WP Plugin List function wppluginlist(){ cpwd=$(pwd) runuser -l $(stat -c %U .) -c "cd $cpwd; wp plugin list" } #WP Thee List function wpthemelist(){ cpwd=$(pwd) runuser -l $(stat -c %U .) -c "cd $cpwd; wp theme list" } #WP Audit function wpaudit(){ cpwd=$(pwd) siteurl=$(runuser -l $(stat -c %U .) -c "cd $cpwd; wp option get siteurl") version=$(runuser -l $(stat -c %U .) -c "cd $cpwd; wp core version") plugins="$(runuser -l $(stat -c %U .) -c "cd $cpwd; wp plugin list")" themes="$(runuser -l $(stat -c %U .) -c "cd $cpwd; wp theme list")" echo "WP siteurl: $siteurl" echo "WP filepath: $cpwd" echo "WP version: $version" echo "WP themes: $(echo "$themes" | tail -n +2 | wc -l) total, $(echo "$themes" | grep available | wc -l) updates, $(echo "$themes" | grep inactive | wc -l) inactive" echo "WP plugins: $(echo "$plugins" | tail -n +2 | wc -l) total, $(echo "$plugins" | grep available | wc -l) updates, $(echo "$plugins" | grep inactive | wc -l) inactive" } #GGLoop function ggloop(){ c=0 for i in "$@" do c=$((c+1)) if [ $c != 1 ]; then cmd="$cmd $i" fi done while read p; do rcmd="$(echo $cmd | sed "s/\%v/$p/g")" $rcmd done < $1 } # ggpaste Utility # @return $paste_url function ggpaste() { if [ ! -z $2 ] then curl --header "GGAUTH: ggpaste_259gag235" --form t=$1 --form file=@$2 else curl --header "GGAUTH: ggpaste_259gag235" --form t=$1 --form file=@- fi } #Null Router function ggnull(){ route add -host $1 reject } #Whitelist CloudFlare function cfallow(){ IPS=`curl -s` for ip in ${IPS}; do csf -a $ip done csf -r } #Mass CloudFlare function masscf(){ IPS=`curl -s` for ip in ${IPS}; do csf -$1 $ip done #csf -r } #Get DDoS logs function ddos() { domain=$1 echo "Top URLs Requested:" grep "$(date +%d/%b/%Y)" $domain | awk '{print $7}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -r | awk '$1>100' echo "Top IP Addresses:" grep "$(date +%d/%b/%Y)" $domain | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -r | awk '$1>100' echo "Top User Agents:" grep "$(date +%d/%b/%Y)" $domain | awk -F'"' '{print $6}' | grep -E '^.{50,}$' | sort | uniq -c | sort -r | head -n 10 } ######### RCTMP RIPPED FUNCTIONS NEED TO REWRITE SOME AND DOCUMENT function hack() { D=$(date +%d) M=$(date +%b) Y=$(date +%Y) echo "Checking for xmlrpc.php brute force attacks.." echo "$(grep -H $D/$M/$Y /usr/local/apache/domlogs/* 2>/dev/null |grep 'POST /xmlrpc.php'|cut -d: -f1|sort|uniq -c)" echo "" echo "Checking for wp-login.php brute force attacks.." echo "$(grep -H $D/$M/$Y /usr/local/apache/domlogs/* 2>/dev/null |grep 'POST /wp-login.php'|cut -d: -f1|sort|uniq -c)" echo "" echo "Checking for admin-ajax.php abuse.." echo "$(grep -H $D/$M/$Y /usr/local/apache/domlogs/* 2>/dev/null |grep 'POST /admin-ajax.php'|cut -d: -f1|sort|uniq -c)" } function bots() { D=$(date +%d) M=$(date +%b) Y=$(date +%Y) echo "Checking for bot traffic.." echo "$(grep -H $D/$M/$Y /usr/local/apache/domlogs/* 2>/dev/null |grep 'Bot'|cut -d: -f1|sort|uniq -c)" } function blocks() { D=$(date +%d) M=$(date +%b) Y=$(date +%Y) grep "$M $D" /var/log/lfd.log | grep Blocked } function docroot(){ grep -E "^${1}: " /etc/userdatadomains|awk -F'==' '{print $5}' } function lsdomains() { grep -E "==(addon|main)==" /etc/userdatadomains|cut -d: -f1|sort | xargs -i sh -c 'echo {} " " $(/scripts/whoowns {})' } function lsforwards(){ grep "=> .*@.*@.*lookuphost" /var/log/exim_mainlog | awk '{print $6,$5}' |sed 's/(//g;s/)//g;s///g'|awk '$2 ~ "@"'| sort | uniq -c | sort -n } function findbigdirs() { if [[ $NCP == 0 ]];then tmpLIST="/tmp /home/*/public_html /home/*/mail" else tmpLIST="/tmp /home/*/public_html" fi find $tmpLIST -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c | awk '$1 >= 800' | sort -k 1 -rn } function robotstxt() { find /home/ -name robots.txt -type f | xargs grep -n delay | head $(awk -F':' '{print $1 " -n " $2}') | grep -v "#" } function wpsecurity(){ echo "Looking for installations of WP-Cerber" find /home/ -name wp-cerber -type d echo "" echo "Looking for installations of Wordfence" find /home/ -name wordfence -type d } ######### END #Security Questions Functions function sec-enable() { case $secpol in "N") echo "Security Questions is not setup." ;; "1") echo "Security Questions already enabled." ;; "0") echo "Security Questions have been enabled." sed -i 's/SecurityPolicy::SourceIPCheck=0/SecurityPolicy::SourceIPCheck=1/g' /var/cpanel/cpanel.config /scripts/restartsrv cpanel secpol="1" ;; esac } function sec-disable() { case $secpol in "N") echo "Security Questions is not setup." ;; "0") echo "Security Questions already disabled." ;; "1") echo "Security Questions have been disabled, please ensure you re-enable them before finalizing work." sed -i 's/SecurityPolicy::SourceIPCheck=1/SecurityPolicy::SourceIPCheck=0/g' /var/cpanel/cpanel.config /scripts/restartsrv cpanel secpol="0" ;; esac } #End Security Question Functions function apache-stats(){ curl -s 'http://localhost/whm-server-status' | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if m~(.*?).*~ ' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n } function phpusers(){ grep php /etc/userdatadomains | awk -F'==' '{print $4 " " $10}' | sort | uniq defaultphp="$(/usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --current|sed 's/^/ /' | sed -n 1p | awk -F':' '{print $2}')" echo "$(grep inherit /etc/userdatadomains | awk -F'==' '{print $4 " " $10}' | sort | uniq | sed -e "s/inherit/inherit ${defaultphp}/g")" } function errors() { D=$(date +%d) M=$(date +%b) Y=$(date +%Y) find . -name error_log | xargs grep $D-$M-$Y } #Supplemental Functions for getea4php function phpeol() { PHPVer=$1 PHPVer=$(case $PHPVer in "5.2") echo "2011-06-01" ;; "5.3") echo "2014-08-14" ;; "5.4") echo "2015-09-03" ;; "5.5") echo "2016-07-10" ;; "5.6") echo "2018-12-31" ;; "7.0") echo "2018-12-03" ;; "7.1") echo "2019-12-01" ;; "7.2") echo "2020-11-30" ;; "7.3") echo "2021-12-06" ;; "7.4") echo "2022-11-28" ;; "8.0") echo "2023-11-26" ;; "8.1") echo "2024-11-25" ;; *) echo $PHPVer ;; esac) echo $PHPVer } function datecheck() { CDate=$1 D=$(date +%d) M=$(date +%m) Y=$(date +%Y) TDate="$Y-$M-$D" if [[ "$CDate" > "$TDate" ]]; then GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' echo -e "${GREEN}${CDate}${NC}" else RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' echo -e "${RED}${CDate}${NC}" fi } #End Supplemental Functions function getea4php() { phpcount=$(/usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --current|sed 's/^/ /' | wc -l) for (( c=1; c<=$phpcount; c++)) do if [[ $c == 1 ]]; then /usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --current|sed 's/^/ /' | sed -n 1p else vstr=$(/usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --current|sed 's/^/ /' | sed -n $c"p") vver=$(/usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --current|sed 's/^/ /' | awk -F'ea-php' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | sed -n $c"p") v1=${vver:0:1} v2=${vver:1:1} vc="$v1.$v2" veol=$(phpeol $vc) chkeol=$(datecheck $veol) echo -e ' \t '$vstr $chkeol fi done } function chksvc() { case $OS in [7-8]) httpd="$(service httpd status 2>&1 | awk '$1=="Active:"{print $2}')" if [[ $httpd = *"inactive" ]]; then bad "Apache (httpd) is down." else UPTIME=$(systemctl status httpd.service | grep Active | awk -F';' '{print $2}') good "Apache (httpd) is up since$UPTIME" fi mysqld="$(service mysqld status 2>&1 | awk '$1=="Active:"{print $2}')" if [[ $mysqld = *"inactive" ]]; then bad "MySQL (mysqld) is down." else UPTIME=$(systemctl status mysqld.service | grep Active | awk -F';' '{print $2}') good "MySQL (mysqld) is up since$UPTIME" fi DNS=$(grep local_nameserver_type /var/cpanel/cpanel.config | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') case $DNS in 'bind') named="$(service named status 2>&1 | awk '$1=="Active:"{print $2}')" if [[ $named = *"inactive" ]]; then bad "NAMED (named) is down." else UPTIME=$(systemctl status named.service | grep Active | awk -F';' '{print $2}') good "NAMED (named) is up since$UPTIME" fi ;; 'powerdns') powerdns="$(service pdns status 2>&1 | awk '$1=="Active:"{print $2}')" if [[ $powerdns = *"inactive" ]]; then bad "POWERDNS (pdns) is down." else UPTIME=$(systemctl status pdns.service | grep Active | awk -F';' '{print $2}') good "POWERDNS (pdns) is up since$UPTIME" fi ;; esac ;; '6') if [[ -n $(ps aux | grep mysql | grep -v grep) ]] ; then good "MySQL is UP!"; else bad "MySQL is DOWN!"; fi if [[ -n $(ps aux | grep httpd | grep -v grep) ]] ; then good "Apache is UP!"; else bad "Apache is DOWN!"; fi if [[ -n $(ps aux | grep named | grep -v grep) ]] ; then good "NAMED is UP!"; else bad "NAMED is DOWN!"; fi ;; esac } #Begin Summary Output #Script Version Data SOUT "GreenGeeks MVM System Status Version: $version" "Container: $vzCTID" #Check Operating System case $OS in '5') SOUT "Operating System" "$(bad "$(cat /etc/redhat-release)")" ;; '6') SOUT "Operating System" "$(bad "$(cat /etc/redhat-release)")" ;; [7-8]) SOUT "Operating System" "$(good "$(cat /etc/redhat-release)")" ;; esac #Check Hostname for formatting, DNS, etc. if [[ `${HOSTNAMEBIN}|grep -c '.'` -lt 1 ]];then hname="$B ${HOSTNAME} Invalid Hostname $CLEAR" else htest="$(dig +noall +answer ${HOSTNAME} @" if [[ ! -n $htest ]];then hname="$B ${HOSTNAME} DNS Not Setup $CLEAR" fi fi if [[ -z $hname ]];then hname="$G ${HOSTNAME} $CLEAR" fi SOUT "Hostname" "$hname" #get Primary IP address SOUT "Primary IP" $(hostname -i) #cPanel Version Check CPVER="$(cat /usr/local/cpanel/version)" CPV="$(awk -F . '{print $2}' /usr/local/cpanel/version)" case $CPV in [4-6][0-9]) SOUT "cPanel Version" "$(bad2 $CPVER)" ;; 7[0-3]) SOUT "cPanel Version" "$(bad2 $CPVER)" ;; 7[4-9]) SOUT "cPanel Version" "$(bad $CPVER)" ;; [8-9][0-9]) SOUT "cPanel Version" "$(good $CPVER)" ;; esac #EasyApache Version Check cpeaver=`/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -v|grep Easy|awk '{print $2}'|sed 's/v//'|awk -F. '{print $1}'` if [[ ${cpeaver} -ne 3 ]]; then cpeaver=4 fi case ${cpeaver} in 4) SOUT "EasyApache" "$(good 'Version 4')" getea4php ;; 3) SOUT "EasyApache" "$(bad 'Version 3')" EA3PHP=$(php -v | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F'.' '{print $1"."$2}') EA3PHPEOL=$(phpeol $EA3PHP) echo -e 'PHP '$EA3PHP $(datecheck $EA3PHPEOL) ;; esac #Database Version Check DB="$(mysql --version | awk '{print $1 " " $5}'| sed 's/.$//')" DBV="$(echo $DB | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F'.' '{print $1"."$2}')" case $DBV in #mysql checks '5.'[0-5]) SOUT "Database" "$(bad "$DB")" ;; '5.'[6-7]) SOUT "Database" "$(good "$DB")" ;; '8.'[0-9]) SOUT "Database" "$(good "$DB")" ;; #mariadb checks '10.'[0-2]) SOUT "Database" "$(bad "$DB")" ;; '10.'[3-9]) SOUT "Database" "$(good "$DB")" ; esac #Check Backup Status backup=$(grep BACKUPENABLE /var/cpanel/backups/config | awk -F"BACKUPENABLE: " '{print $2}' | tr -d \'\") if [ "$backup" = "no" ];then SOUT "Backups" "$B Backups are not enabled. $CLEAR" else SOUT "Backups" "$G Backups are enabled. $CLEAR" fi #Get Server Stats SOUT "Service Status" "$(chksvc)" #disk percentage check DU=`df -h | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | awk {'print $5'}` DT=`df -h | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | awk {'print $2'}` case $DU in [0-9]'%') DISK="$(good2 "$DU of $DT")" ;; [0-4][0-9]'%') DISK="$(good2 "$DU of $DT")" ;; [5-6][0-9]'%') DISK="$(good "$DU of $DT")" ;; [7-8][0-9]'%') DISK="$(bad "$DU of $DT")" ;; [9][0-9]'%') DISK="$(bad2 "$DU of $DT")" ;; 100'%') DISK="$(bad2 "$DU of $DT")" ;; esac #memory percentage check case $OS in '6') getmem=`vmstat -s | egrep -v '(swap|cpu|pages|boot|forks|interrupt|switches)'` gt=$(echo $getmem | awk '{print $1 / 1024}') gts="$(echo "${gt}MB")" ga=$(echo $getmem | awk '{print $7 / 1024}' | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') mp=$((100*$ga/$gt)) ;; [7-8]) getmem=`vmstat -s | egrep -v '(swap|cpu|pages|boot|forks|interrupt|switches)'` gt=$(echo $getmem | awk '{print $1 / 1024}') gts="$(echo "${gt}MB")" ga=$(echo $getmem | awk '{print $9 / 1024}' | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') mp=$((100*$ga/$gt)) ;; esac case $mp in [0-9]) MEMORY="$(good2 "$mp% of $gts")" ;; [0-4][0-9]) MEMORY="$(good2 "$mp% of $gts")" ;; [5-6][0-9]) MEMORY="$(good "$mp% of $gts")" ;; [7-8][0-9]) MEMORY="$(bad "$mp% of $gts")" ;; [9][0-9]) MEMORY="$(bad2 "$mp% of $gts")" ;; 100) MEMORY="$(bad2 "$mp% of $gts")" ;; esac #CPU check load="$(uptime | awk -F'average:' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^[[:blank:]]*//;s/[[:blank:]]*$//')" SOUT "Server Health" "Disk Usage\t\tMemory\t\t\tLoad" tload="$(echo $load | awk -F'.' '{print $1}')" case $tload in [0-1]) DLOAD="$(good2 "$load")" ;; [2-3]) DLOAD="$(bad "$load")" ;; [4-9]) DLOAD="$(bad2 "$load")" ;; [1-9][0-9]) DLOAD="$(bad2 "$load")" ;; esac echo -e "$DISK\t\t$MEMORY\t\t$DLOAD" #exim check queueFAIL=100 mailQUEUE=`exim -bpc` if [[ $mailQUEUE -gt $queueFAIL ]]; then SOUT "Exim Check" "$(bad2 "Messages in queue: $mailQUEUE")" else SOUT "Exim Check" "$(good "Messages in queue: $mailQUEUE")" fi unset mailQUEUE securitycheck="$(grep SecurityPolicy::SourceIPCheck /var/cpanel/cpanel.config)" if [[ ! -n $securitycheck ]]; then SOUT "Security Check" "$(bad "Not Found")" secpol="N" else case $securitycheck in "SecurityPolicy::SourceIPCheck=0") SOUT "Security Check" "$(bad "Disabled")"; secpol="0" ;; "SecurityPolicy::SourceIPCheck=1") SOUT "Security Check" "$(good "Enabled")"; secpol="1" ;; esac fi